Men of CASA

CASA of Baltimore County is Looking for a Few Good Men!

While 50% of the CASA youth we serve are male, only 17% of our current volunteer advocates are men. That’s a statistic we hope to change! We know there are so many kind and dedicated men in our community who could be the difference for a youth in foster care. Be that man!

Men of CASA Show What a Good Man Is

Many children in foster care have suffered a lack of male care and guidance in their lives. These children need to experience the positive presence of safe men. Boys, in particular, need positive male role models who can help make sure their needs are met and their voices are heard. And, teenage boys frequently age out of the foster care system without the experience and knowledge of how to become a successful young adult.

Men of CASA Protect a Child

Abused children can’t fight for their own safety. You can fight for them. As a volunteer advocate, you will be part of protecting and safeguarding a child from harm. You will gather facts and make recommendations to a judge, advise and consult with cps caseworkers, and help guide the outcomes of a high-intensity situation and champion a child’s right to be safe.

Men of CASA Have the Power to Change a Child's Life

Because each CASA is appointed by the court, CASA advocates have the necessary access and influence to have an immediate and sustainable impact on a child’s life. Whether it’s advocating in court twice a year, teaching financial responsibility, or simple things like how to change a tire or tie a tie, your influence can help shape our CASA youth into successful young adults.

Join Men of CASA and be a Champion for a Youth Who Needs You